One Piece Role-Play Wiki
Ruin is an article written by pbtenchi and EmperorSigma.
Role-Play Name: Ruin

Date Started: April 18, 2018
Date Completed: May 5, 2018
Next Role-Play: Battle for El Dorado
Users Involved: User:Pbtenchi, User:EmperorSigma
Setting: Deserted Island
Characters Involved: Lord MuuMuu, Ferrothorn Solomon, Doge, Daddy L. Legs (Mentioned), Frank N. Stein (Mentioned), Antoine Herbert, Chartinger Roselia, Kurama (Mentioned)

Too Tall[]

Muu had few hobbies. When you are too large to fit in buildings made even for other giants, it can feel like the world was built for other people other than her to use and enjoy. But Muu did have a few hobbies other than fighting. Namely, as she was currently doing, sunbathing. Muu was on one of her favorite islands, a ruined no-name island in the New World large enough to accommodate her, enjoying the good weather it had. She exhaled a deep breath. She could sense something in the nearby seas. That was odd. She'd killed all the Sea kings in the area to make sure nothing bothered her, and anyone who had lived there had already fled or died. She focused her observation haki on the area. A ship? This close to her territory? A marine ship no less. She smirked at their cockiness.

Muu rose from her lying position, opened her eyes, and reached for her hammer, Brunnhilde. She swung her hammer around, once, twice, three times and flung an Andvaranut air blade in the direction of the ship. The air blade was bigger than the ship itself, and would undoubtedly sink it if something wasn't done to intervene.

"Rank promotion examination to increase the number and quality of Vice and Rear Admiral-level individuals within the force. Higher occupancy of New World territories in order to gain sufficient standing to fight against the growing Yonko crews. Further synchronization between the World Government and Marines' military forces to gain further military power." These words were embedded into the skull of a man who'd been leaning against the rail surrounding the deck of the ship. The ship's sail bore the emblem of the World Government's face; the Marine symbol.

The Fleet-Admiral seemed to have something up his sleeve, but even as a student and close comrade of the man, Solomon had no idea of what was to come next. Or... maybe he chose not to share it. Regardless he decided to try and throw his curiosity to the side in order to keep his men in check. A curious leader only leads to curious subordinates which offsets the balance of things. Balance was something Solomon was all for.

With all of that aside, he looked over the sea began to recall the conversation he held with his father. "Good to know Dr. Frank N. Stein is almost done with father's request. It'll be great to test the capabilities of that Mad-Man's creations." He thought as he watched the flock of birds in the distance. They remained close to each other, in the way that a family should. He couldn't help but smile as they flapped their wings and flew through the skies, nor could he take his eyes off of them.

Yet, after the full formation of his smile, the flock of birds was thrown in different directions, separating them from each other. "Well damn..." He stated, "That escalated quickly." He joked before noticing that something wasn't quite right. There was like a wrinkle in the air, that appeared as if it had been headed directly for him. To say one could "see air" would make that same person insane. Air is not something one could see, as it is noted to be transparent.

No one could successfully point out air. However, Solomon had stood on quite a few battlefields in the past. Even as the opponent of Kurama during training sessions, who could create wind currents with just a wave of his hand. Maybe it wasn't the fact that he could see it, but he could moreso sense it. He learned that when enough wind is sent into a single area, it can sometimes have a form and that form depended on the attacked. In this case, it was a blade of wind and it was coming fast.

Solomon's let out a deep breath and his arm became fully shrouded in the black coloring granted by using Busoshoku Haki. Holding his forearm up as though he were blocking someone's punch, he leaped onto the railing of the ship making sure he stood at the very front. The air current would come into contact with his forearm, splitting down the middle completely bypassing the ship.

He could hear the footsteps of his men running behind him. "Well, Gintaka, seems we know where that just came from. We spotted a Pirate ship docked up on the island ahead."

"Doge, where were you, literally ten seconds ago?"

The white-haired man shrugged his shoulders. "Hey hey, you're the highest ranking Marine on this ship, you should be able to take care of it yourself. So, should we head toward the island? Doing so won't hinder the schedule nor time to make it to HQ."

Solomon nodded his head and Doge gave out an order to turn the ship towards the nearby island.

The ship didn’t sink. In fact, it changed course towards her. Someone had blocked her attack. Perhaps this would be fun after all. She could feel the exhilaration at the possibility of a worthy opponent flowing through her. She put a finger as thick as a house to her cheek and thought about what to do next. Something big to test them, she decided. If they survived all the better, if they died oh well.

“Don’t get cocky.” She raised her hammer again and took a deep breath before bellowing across the ocean “I am Yokai, Daidarabotchi MuuMuu. The title means Demon God Who Shapes the World. Let me show you why.” She swung her hammer downwards, creating a massive dent in the ocean, causing the once peaceful waters to become incredibly turbulent, but she wasn’t done. Using the control of gravity granted by the hammer, Muu lifted up a wave of water as tall as her and flung the newly formed tidal wave in the direction of the struggling ship. Perhaps she was going overkill, but she didn’t care. She wanted a challenge, and if they couldn’t handle this, they deserved to sink to the bottom of the sea.

She focused her observation haki closer on the ship, trying to work out which of the marines had been capable of blocking her Andvaranut. She couldn’t let someone like that escape her without a fight. How long had it been since she last did anything truly fun? Not since her battle with Legs in Totland, where she’d broken an arm and first joined the Yonko’s crew. She relished the memory. Someday she would fight Legs again, but not now. First, she needed to be stronger, and to do that she needed to win as many worthy fights as possible. “Become fodder for my development.” She muttered under her breath. To Muu, strength was absolutely everything. The strong lived, the weak died. That was just how the world worked. As long as she was strong, she had a reason to exist. Muu had no pity for the weak.

Another attack came hurling towards the Marine ship. At this point, Solomon learned that this was no longer a coincidence. Both attacks extremely coordinately and almost instantly after the other. He and his men were being targeted. This time his enemy decided to use the forces of the sea to attack him. Maybe they knew who had been aboard the ship because water was definitely not one of Solomon's friends.

He gripped the left sleeve of his shoulder his Marine coat, which read "Absolute Justice" on the back a belief of the Fleet-Admiral and his most trusted men and pulled it tighter onto his body. "Now, what to do..." He thought to himself, letting go of the sleeve and using that same hand to reach for his ear.

Doge stepped to his side, straightening his body so that he stood firm. His stomach began to grow in size, as he inhaled. He lifted his head so that it was angled towards the sky. Next, after puckering his lips he cuffed his hands around them as though he'd been preparing to shout at someone. He exhaled, "HHHHOOOWWWLLLL!" Shouting, releasing a howl that was in turn, was a powerful shockwave that was not only like an invisible wall that halted the wave from moving forward, but would cause it to fall back into the sea.

Solomon looked at Doge. "Well, I thought I was the "highest-ranking member of the ship and could handle it on my own"?"

"Yeah, you still are. But you hesitated and started playing with your ear. That's an indication of two things, boredom or intense thinking. Both would have cost us our lives had I let you attend to it, ESPECIALLY the two of us." Doge let off a light laugh. "Besides, I'd have you know... the Jolly Roger on the sail? Yeah, it belongs to the Yonko crew; the Black Widow Pirates."

Hmmm? What was that? Someone stopped the tidal wave? They didn't seem to be the same person who blocked the first attack. Two strong individuals? Muu was ecstatic. She almost licked her lips. To Muu, fighting and eating were very similar. She had a great love for both, and both filled a deep hunger inside her that never seemed to be satisfied. She was getting impatient. She raised her hammer and said "Attract". The power imbued in the hammer began pulling the ship towards the island at an accelerated pace. It couldn't turn around if they wanted to.

As one last test, Muu released a Draupnir barrage randomly in the direction of the ship, just to see how they would deal with it. Countless numbers of the earlier air blades cut through the air and sea like hot knives through butter, racing towards the ship. Depending on how they dealt with this, Muu wasn’t sure she could hold herself back. It wasn’t good to break her toys, after all you can’t fight corpses, and if she killed all her opponents, who would she have left to fight?

"Again? What do you think, Solomon? Damn, haha." Their foe had made the exact same move from before, though this time their ship was pulled towards the island, even though they'd already been heading that way. A huge tail sprouted from Doge's rear end, so large that he even hung off of the ship a bit.

He used his tail to push off of the ship, leaping into the air and as he did Solomon grabbed a hold of it with a few other Marine members. Since they had been pulled by gravity, it made jumping and avoiding the attack that much easier. However, because he had been being pulled by gravity, there wasn't much he could do to fight those forces.

The closer they got, the person responsible for all of this finally came into view. A large, no gigantic woman even bigger than the average giant stood with a large hammer in her hand. Doge, brought his tail in front of him, balling it up trying to mimic a fist and cocked it back. In his head, it was aimed right at her face and since he'd been being pulled by gravity, the impact of the punch would be that much stronger.

Muu couldn’t help being a little disappointed, but she guessed not everyone could be as perfect. They had survived the attack at least, so they were already above the fodder she usually dealt with. She considered thwacking them with her hammer but figured it would probably kill them before she had any real fun. She wanted to savor this fight, yet she also wanted drive home her strength into their very beings, make them acknowledge the weight of her existence.

What to do… What to do… She smiled. What to do was simple. Nothing. The fist like tail smashed into Muu’s unprotected face. She didn’t even flinch. She didn’t even use haki. A tremendous eye looked down towards them, and a voice as loud as thunder said, “Is that all?” She went to grab them with her fist, the size of a regular member of her species, intending to fling them into the island. “Impress me.” She stated, devoid of emotion.

"Fool." Doge stated after his tail made contact with the face of the woman standing before him. Just as it would, a spark of electricity would surround the woman's entire head. Whether or not the electricity managed to paralyze her body, was none of Doge's concern, but the hit to her face would sure not go uncredited.

Taking that many volts to the face would not only leave electrical burns but also leave temporary or with his level of strength, permanent damage to her eyes, deteriorating her vision enough so that the Marine squad could have the upper hand.

Landing on the ground, the Marine soldiers let go and Doge including Solomon who'd been staring the Giant up and down. This was the first time he'd seen an overgrown giant and honestly, it was a bit of an eyesore. His father owned hundreds of slaves, even giving the ones no longer capable of work, away to Dr. Stein for his own demented fantasy. But not once was be able to score one of this size.

Then Solomon began to remember the words he had been told while on the ship. "Legs' Jolly Roger and an overgrown Giant. You have to be Muu, then."

Muu smirked again. “Seems you’re not just a one trick puppy. Unfortunately, that won’t work on me. When I fought Redbeard, I experienced much worse than this.” Her eyes were a bit blurry, but her observation haki more than made up for that. “Good to know you’ve heard of me. I must admit, I am a bit offended you didn’t hear me introduce myself earlier. Do you have bad hearing? Not that that matters… Now, pay close attention and try not to die too easily. This is how you attack with lightning.” She raised her hammer up, attracting nearby clouds to gather around the hammer, charging it with electricity. She could feel the electricity coursing through her muscle fibers from the hammer. It was a little uncomfortable, but it made her feel alive. It brought back memories of that day 30 years ago.

“Mjolnir.” She swung her hammer, releasing a sound like thunder as it hit the sound barrier, swinging down towards them, the ship sized hammer blotted the sky, crackling with electricity like a falling cloud.

As the hammer came crashing over the Marine officers, Doge had an expression of disbelief. But it wasn't for the current situation at hand, instead that his technique had literally no effect on the giant. In fact, he increased the gigawatts to a point that he knew should have been effective on someone twice her own size. "The nerve!" Doge's entire body began to take change into a wolf, coated in a white fur.

Solomon threw his hand out in front of Doge, signaling his comrade to stand down. "This is on me, it won't take long. Your Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Fenrir may be able to compare in size, but in variety, I am much more suited." Using that same hand he reached over his head with his hand up, as though he were going to try and catch the hammer.

"Commodore Gintaka! Get out of there!" A naval officer shouted as Doge led himself and his comrades from the range of the hammer.

Doge, who'd not been back in his human form, sprouted his tail yet again to grab ahold of the officer who'd tried getting Solomon to leave his current position. Dropping the man next to his side, Doge glared him in the eyes. "He said he'd handle it alone, right? Then you have no right to sit and try to convince someone who's resolved themselves when you are not he whos in charge."

The hammer finally reached its target, the area down below it, and the very ground beneath it caved in all the results of a shockwave created by the hammer. The lightning formed around the hammer found itself thrown into the nearby sea, electrocuting whatever forms of life were near it.

There was a moment of silence. All Marines soldiers stood in awe, waiting to receive confirmation of whether or not Solomon made it out safely. Did he fall to his own ignorance of wanting to face a woman, one thousand times past his caliber? Or did he have the hands of the gods bless him?

"Look!" One of the marine soldiers shouted. "The hammer didn't fully make contact with the ground! So that means Solomon is fine!"

The hammer was pushed back with a tremendous amount of force and Solomon stood firmly, holding the position from earlier. His hand seemed to be coated in some form of metal and was sparked by the electricity of the hammer.

"I'm quite offended, and I think I speak for all giants when I say... that for an attack to come from a giant of your mass, that was quite disappointing."

Muu was electrified. Not just physically but mentally as well. It really had been too long since she last had a good fight. A wide smile covered her face as she spoke “Oh, this is going to be fun. But that wasn’t my full strength. Not even close. Nowhere near close. This is still just warming up. You too, right? You aren't going to disappoint me are you?” She raised her hammer up and whirled it around a few times appearing thoughtful for a moment, as though deciding out of a list of options.

“Wind… water… and lightning. How do you deal with fire? Eldhrimnir.” She swung at mach 10, using friction to raise the hammer’s temperature to incredible extremes, setting the air around it ablaze with vibrant, burning light. Anyone within viewing distance would see the sky redden as the hammer arced towards Solomon with incredible force. Muu intended to split the island with the raw force of this blow. Either he died and disappointed her, or dodged it and disappointed her or withstood it and excited her.

"I don't think you understanding the situation you're in." Solomon responded as he watched the woman twirl around as if she were apart of some musical opera. She was tremendously larger than he was, so the wind she created from twirling was nearly enough to drop the Commodore. That wind became enhanced by fiery forces, causing the man to begin sweating.

Once finished, she brought her hammer over his head, yet again just like before. She seemed to be attacking in the same way as before, though this time, she added a bit of fire to the mix. Regardless of her hot addition, the attack had no differentiating flow. With his hand still up and the metal coating over it, he took a deep breath. He held it for a moment and instantly a flash of Kurama appeared in his head who'd been doing the same thing.

The silver-haired man took up a traditional martial arts stance and took a deep breath. He got rid of that image and exhaled seconds later. He took another deep breath, but because of the situation he'd been in, he had to let this one out just as quick. Upon doing so, his pores opened and a bubbly liquid leaked out of them, covering Solomon's body like a cloak. Continuing his breathing pattern, the cloak began to expand outwards. The liquid surrounding his hand grew ten times its current size then formed into that of a claw, meeting the falling hammer halting its movements.

Currently to Muu, Solomon would appear like a human shrouded in an aura with a giant fox claw, as though he'd partially transformed like a Zoan devil fruit user. Solomon pushed up against the hammer with his aura claw, removing it from over his head.

Doge folded his arms and let out a laugh. "Heh, I remember when he first showed me that. Truly an advanced form of Busoshoku Haki, Busoshoku: Kaito. I even have trouble grasping it sometimes. As a testament of learning and mastering it under Kurama, he forms the aura into appendages of a fox. Clearing my suspicion of a Zoan fruit." Doge spoke to the Marine officers around him, explaining the technique to them, as they all stood in awe never had they seen something like this before.

"Doge, I haven't seen Byakko in eight months." Solomon spoke, turning his head to look back at Doge. "When the gap is that big, I can't just show up to HQ empty handed right? Especially when he just spoke about how he'd like to decrease the Yonko forces. If I show up with this, it'll probably bring a satisfying smirk to his face. Fine then, fiend. I'll have this dance with you, but I promise it'll be your last."

The thought of being captured brought up memories. Bad memories. Thing’s Muu would much rather forget. “Oh, I like you. I like you a lot. You plan to capture me? What’s your name. I want to hear it from you, that way even if you die here there will be someone to remember you long into the future.” It wasn’t so much a question as it was an order. “You know, it was the marines that made me the way I am today in a way. If you didn’t act first, I’d probably be building houses for a living, or perhaps even joined the marines. I think I did consider it once, but that was a long time ago.” She dropped her hammer to the ground at her side and sat cross legged to be closer to her opponent. “It would be boring if I only just kept attacking, that’s not a real fight, so… Your turn. Attack me however you like.”

Fur of the Fox[]

"Oh, you're one of those." He sighed, "I'm gonna get me revenge on all ye' Marines, for what one Marine did to me back in ma' tot days. Arrggg!" This was Solomon's impersonation of MuuMuu as a pirate and quite honestly, it was disgusting and pissed him off quite a bit. It was like the same thing, over and over again with each Pirate. They all followed the same Generic-theme of either; a Marine fucked me over in the past now all are bad or I'm going to become the Pirate King. And quite frankly, he preferred the latter.

Solomon regained his composure and became calm again. With his sights locked on MuuMuu, the liquid around him began to grow in size, lifting him off the ground. "Currently, the scales of peace are tipping in the favor of you people [pirates]. It's no secret that the Marine forces are crippled and lacking as of recently and after hearing the rumor of Admiral Fuyuki possibly resigning, the scale will continue to tip in pirate favor."

But this time the liquid had finally stabilized and took the appearance of an overgrown fox. Rather than biting at sending an attack her way, Solomon remained in his waiting position, thinking of his next move.

Muu per her hand to her chin, as though contemplating what he had said. "Hmmm... That's not quite it. I don't care about things like good, evil or revenge. I just learned that I wanted to be strong, that's all." she sat her hands back on her knees "Scales tipping huh? Have you ever thought about what would happen if the world government disappeared? The world would go back to the way it should, with the strong ruling over the weak, instead of this nonsense of strong being responsible for protecting the weak."

"I take it you didn't hear me before, woman. The scale simply can't be tipped in the favor of a particular side, it has to be perfectly balanced. The only way for that balance to happen is for everyone to follow under the banner that is the World Government. You said it yourself, 'The world would go back to the way it should, with the strong ruling over the weak', which means power has been jumping from hand to hand these past decades. This will be no more! I watched as me and my father nearly lost our lives because a couple of Pirates knew our status and wanted our fortune."

The brown-haired man clenched his fist, "Therefore, to truly create a peaceful world, one must not destroy evil, but control that evil! Allowing it to do as it pleases under the thumb of a higher power, assuring that all the evil in the world will not be succeeded by a greater evil that could threaten to destroy the world." Solomon's facial expression changed, his calm demeanor changed into something more demonic as he glared into the soul of the woman through his cloaked form.

"That is what Kurama believes! That is...." Solomon's hair began to stand straight up, as if he'd used styling gel in order for it to do so. "BALANCED PEACE!" He shouted and as he did, his fox-like form roared, unleashing a wild shockwave in the direction of MuuMuu.

Doge's eyes widened after noticing Solomon's hair change. It was a slight physical change, yet Doge knew what it truly means and it caused him to take a few gulps and drench sweat down his face. "Balanced Peace? He's at that point and nearly on the border of Gintaka... That means he's taking this very serious after realizing his situation. His Busoshoku Haki: Kaito has taken on its full form of a fox. His epithet, Fur of the Fox it comes from this, I get it now. But I thought he said it was something else." Doge mumbled his words to himself, but even then the rest of the soldiers could hear him.

“Well… Aren’t you a little hypocrite.” She braced her arms against the shockwave, not different to how the commodore had blocked her earlier air blade. The area distorted with the force of the blow and Muu’s skin steamed once the blast had resided. Muu lowered her arms, revealing her still smiling face. “That did hurt. A little.” She stood back up.

“I'm gonna get me revenge on all ye' Pirates, for what one Pirate did to me back in ma' tot days. Sound familiar at all? And balancing the scales? Wouldn’t that just tip them all the way in the marine direction? I’m not big on these whole weird morale views. Simple solutions work best.” She picked her hammer back up off the ground. “From this point on, I’ll use both hands. Be proud of that. Mjolnir.”

She swung the hammer again, and again, and again, from multiple different angles. To the casual observer, it would appear as black lightning was striking the same spot over and over again.

"You know nothing, do you? I don't want revenge on Pirates, in order for there to be balance in these seas, Pirates must exist. It's clear you have a batch of maggots stuck in your ears in order for you to not be able to comprehend what was mentioned. Regardless, I've decided how I'll have this dance with you."

The time for conversation with Solomon was over. Right now, he could care less about how his foe felt on his view and beliefs. She stood back to her feet and he readied himself. Despite increasing the size of his haki cloak, he was still shy a handful of feet from being able to stand face to face with her. Even then, it was not enough for him to be dissuaded.

Controlling the cloak, as if it were an extension of his own body because technically it was, he forced it to stand on its hind legs holding its forearms in a crossed manner, blocking the attacks of the hammer. For a moment he found himself pushed back by the overwhelming force she placed behind each swing.

Coating its hind legs in a layer of the solid Busoshoku Haki, the most basic use of the type of Haki, he was able to strengthen his stances so that he could continue to take her hits. With a burst of strength, he threw the fox's arms out, which would allow him to knock the hammer and by extension MuuMuu's arm back.

Extending and pushing a finger of the left claw at MuuMuu's chest, the opposite of where the heart sat, Solomon fired off a compressed bullet of air into her chest. A technique known by the Marines, Shigan.

Muu could be described as having a simple nondescript personality. The reason for this was simple. Boredom. Spending 90 years doing basically nothing takes its toll on one’s personality. But every once in a while, Muu would find a fight she’d enjoy. Muu could feel the adrenaline rushing through her.

For the first time in the fight, Muu clicked her shoes into action, gaining speed that should have been impossible for something the size of Muu, faster than even the approaching Shigan, Muu kicked the fox in the head with force that put even her earlier blows to shame, and vanished, leaving only an empty void of air in her place. Muu reappeared, standing off the nearby coast, reaching her hands into the water towards the coast. The island started shaking, and there was a devastating CRUMBLE noise, as Muu lifted up a massive chunk of the island, dwarfing even Muu by comparison. “I don’t normally dodge attacks, but I’m eager to see how much you’re still holding back.” And with that she flung the portion of the island, sending it hurtling through the air.

Regardless of how she moved, the number of actions she made did not account for a full dodge of the Kaito's Shigan. Surely she'd be unable to completely dodge his attack even if she only suffered minimal damage yet at the scale the Shigan had been launched it would surely have dealt noticeable damage.

Without making any moves, Solomon allowed her to kick and make contact and found his Kaito's head nearly smashed into the ground. Using its front claws to push off of making contact with the ground, it stood straight up again on its hind legs. By the time it'd recovered, Muu had appeared at the coast. In her next move, she'd literally ripped out the earth and thrown it at Solomon and the rest of his subordinates.

Kaito pulled one of its arms back and punched the air with its fist. Upon doing so, a compressed sphere of air shot towards the rock. "Shigan: Tehō". The sphere was actually a cannon composed of compressed air, that when it made contact with the chunk of thrown earth would cause it to break apart as if it were hit by an actual cannon.

Muu clutched her side. It seemed even with her God Speed, she hadn’t quite dodged the Shigen, and it had pierced her side. How long had it been since someone last had made her bleed? Hmm. She observed him launching an attack at the chunk of flying earth, just like she thought he’d do. At the end of the day, marines would still protect the weak. The rock itself would only do about as much damage as one of her swings, although it certainly looked impressive. The point of this maneuver was simply to distract. People often assumed Muu was unintelligent, due to her short and to the point attitude, but she was a veteran of many battles, and understood the place of tactics on the battlefield. What Solomon should have taken from her last move was her speed, not the rock.

“God Speed: Mjolnir.” She accelerated at incredible blinding speed, simultaneously swinging her hammer, aimed right into the small of the Fox’s stomach, a disadvantage of standing on it’s hindlegs. A strike in that position should destroy its balance, and possible knock it flying backwards.

With the rock breaking into thousands of tiny pieces, MuuMuu had already made her next move. In seconds, she appeared in front of Kaito with her hammer smashing against its stomach. Kaito was pushed back quite a few meters but managed to remain standing granted the haki that was infused into its hind legs prior. To secure itself, it grabbed ahold of MuuMuu's hammer and jerked forward pulling her closer to him.

From the rear, another tail-like appendage grew and was lunged at MuuMuu's face as though it were a fist. Solomon made sure to have Kaito continue pulling on the hammer making MuuMuu's escape from being hit, that much more difficult. Besides, at the speed she'd been moving and the attack she'd taken earlier, surely her body wouldn't truly be able to react how she'd want. Plus, it wouldn't' necessarily be the easiest feat to be able to pull away from an entity as strong as Kaito.

It was true that the boots provided unnatural speed rather than strengthening her legs, meaning she couldn't control it as finely as her own muscles, and Muu wasn't about to let go of her hammer. Muu held strong, and took the tail blow to the face. The tail moved to reveal a bloody nose and a smiling face. This was how fights were meant to be. She wiped the blood from her, and slammed her head into the fox's. "Your still holding out on me. Right? You did that metal thing with your arms earlier. That doesn't seem related to this thing. Come on and show me what you've got."

Full Metal Alchemist[]

"Oh?" Solomon question, letting off a slight chuckle. "It ain't everyday someone is actually able to notice the smaller things in life. And for you, I mean that literally." He then began to continuously release and clench his fist, slightly smiling as he did. It was true, in battle, small things like that would have easily slipped a combatant's mind. Those who were able to remember things like that, would truly be considered threats even if it were determined by that small factor alone.

"I gotta say, I'm glad you asked that though. Ole' Kaito was nearing its limits anyway, I mean it's still a new ability of mine after all. Having to concentrate on breathing patterns to create and maintain something on this level is no easy feat." The liquid slowly began to evaporate into the air like some sort of steam and soon Solomon would be standing back to his feet, winded to say the least.

He stretched his arms out and let out a yawn. Not a yawn of boredom, but of exhaustion, obviously backing up his claim about Kaito reaching its limits. "When I was younger, I ate a devil fruit. It's not often I get to use it, since my Rokushiki techniques seem to be enough to deal with my opponents. I guess you are special in your own right." He looked up to the woman with his head nearly snapping his neck because of her height.

Back at where Doge and the rest of the Marines stood, none of them blinked even for an instance. Everyone had been on edge since the very beginning of the battle. Solomon had achieved feats they had believed only Rear Admirals and above could achieve.

"Damn." One of the Marine soldiers cursed, sweat dripped down his temple. "To think, Solomon was this strong. I thought that since he was a World Noble, his position had been given to him. B-but this isn't normal! He formed a fox, in the same fashion as a Zoan user."

"Commander Doge, Commodore Gintaka just mentioned he has a devil fruit. I've been working under him ever since he'd first achieved commodore status and there was not a single mention of his devil fruit." Another Marine spoke up, confused on Solomon's most recent statement.

"First is your Gary, I guess you just learned to never judge a book by its cover, right? And you, Petty Officer Herbert, it makes sense. As he mentioned, its not often he has to go beyond the use of his Rokushiki techniques. An Alias is another familiar name someone is known by, correct? The Marines tend to use these names to identify their high enough ranked soldiers. In one way or another, the name has something to do with its bearer. In this case, Solomon's is Gintaka. Right now, you are about to find out why."

Now back on the battlefield, Solomon seemed to have regained his breath and finished his stretches. "That metal that was on my hand, was the power of said devil fruit from my younger years. Its name; Zoku Zoku no Mi. Its abilities? Well... you'll have to find those out by yourself." Holding his finger in the form of a pistol, hundreds of compressed air shots fired from his finger tips. "Shigan:..." Following his word, the compressed air bullets became coated in some form of metal. "Kintama".

"Solomon's father bought the Zoku Zoku no Mi for Beli50,000,000 because Solomon thought it was a special kind of jalapeno, one of his favorite spices. With it he can create and control metal. That's just a little hint for what I was saying earlier." Doge explained to his fellow Marines.

"You look tired? Don't tell me you're out of energy already. Well, since you've told me a bit about you, I'll tell you a bit about me. I'm a member of Daddy L. Legs' Yokai, an elite group of experts in particular fields who answer only to Legs' and act as her main 'crew'. Out of all the Yokai, I'm the only one without a 'role'. I make up for it all with my raw power second only to Legs."

An attack the size of a regular Shigan wouldn't even be a splinter to Muu, and the number wouldn't change that, but Muu had a bad feeling about the attack. She'd fought this guy for awhile, and although he seemed tired, this was a bit too much of a downgrade, which according to her intuition meant there was something special about it. Muu didn't normally go in for caution, but not doing so would belittle her opponent, and Muu had to admit, this was the best fight she'd had in a long time. Muu swung her hammer, and created a Gleipnir wind barrier around herself for defense, to test the destructive capability of the bullets. It would appear to any outsiders as though Muu had just been swallowed by a tornado. Truly every element of the world bowed before her.

The tornado of wind summoned by MuuMuu was powerful, but Solomon didn't move an inch. Doge, however, in order to protect his comrades, summoned the tail from his devil fruit powers to shield them from the powerful forces.

"Oh? It seems I am a bit rusty." He commented noticing his bullets being swallowed up by the tornado. He held his hand up and a chunk of metal appeared in his palm. "You hold a damned high position, it seems. I'm no more than a Commodore." The metal chunk began to bubble up, becoming malleable. Soon its shape began to shift, an ability belonging to those who wielded Logia-type devil fruits.

Finally, the chunk of metal's shapeshifting phase had ended as it settled for its new form. It took the shape of a bird, flapping its wings so that it could remain floating in the air. Not just a bird though, it was a hawk; evident by the fine details that went into forming its very existence. It was about two times the size of an original hawk, but there was a reason yet to be revealed by Solomon.

"Gin, for silver." Doge stated, keeping his eyes locked on Solomon and his recent creation. "And taka, for Hawk. Gintaka, was the name given to him by Kurama, born of his devil fruit ability and a young Solomon's love for Hawk's." Doge took a slight pause as he begins to smile. "Ten minutes, tops." He ended, nodding ready to watch the rest of the battle unfold.

Solomon, pointing his that had already been up, signaled his Hawk-like creation to fly straight towards the tornardo. He seemed to have some sort of plan, as he balled his fist up and punched into the air, shooting chunks of metal high into the atmosphere far beyond the clouds. Solomon fixed his view back on his Hawk, "I'm feeling that urge... like 'that' time." He thought to himself, gripping his wrist.

Muu was frankly disappointed. Her opponent seemed to have really just powered down that badly. She raised her hammer, lifting the tornado up with it, and encircling the hammer with the fierce winds. She swung the hammer down with incredible force, similar to her earlier attacks, intending to finish her tired opponent. "Are you finished? Wheres that energy from earlier? Do you need some more motivation?"

For a moment Solomon ignored her words, watching as his Hawk manuevered around MuuMuu's spins able to get behind her without her immediate notice. As she lifted her hammer the tornado went up as well now cased around her favorite weapon. Just as she began to lower her hammer, Solomon ran off underneath her legs, easily dodging her attack. The brute force behind it was enough to leave a crater in the earth beneath her hammer, even kicking the rubble left behind up to create a spiraling tornado before shortly falling back to the ground.

"Am I finished? No! This dance has just reached its greatest part!" He cried out.

As Solomon ran a long thin piece of string flowed from his index fingertip. With a simple swing using the same hand, the string would travel around the outside of MuuMuu down near her legs. The string would look like it was attempting to grab hold of MuuMuu's legs in an attempt to tie them together. With her not only attempting to smash Solomon with her devastating attack but the recoil she'd taking from hitting the ground after such a powerful attack, would leave her vulnerable enough to Solomon's liking allowing him to take the upper hand.

Once Solomon got directly under her, he released a device about the same size as a baby den den mushi underneath her and finally he'd gotten behind her. With a simple finger motion, the string would tighten itself around her legs hopefully restricting her movement any further.



"A call?" Doge asked while reaching into his shirt, pulling out a Den Den Mushi of his own. "Hello!"

"Doge, where the hell are you two?" A feminine voice questioned. While it wasn't prominent, a faint tone of irritation could be heard in her voice. "Where is he? Put him on, now." Her questions quickly changed into demands.

"Chartinger Roselia. Sorry, but he's busy right now-gr. He's uh, he's down by the dock helping unload a supply ship!" Doge responded.

"Cut the bullshit you mutt." She responded. "I can sense your bullshit through the Den Den Mushi. I know you and Gintaka left two days ago. Put him on now."

Doge gave off a slight laugh, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But honestly, I can't put him on he's actually busy, I wasn't lying about that part-gr."

"Stop growling into the Den Deni Mushi, you heathen. Wait! Is Solomon fighting!? So help me god, I'll incinerate the both of you. I'll be there shortly."

"Wait, you can't do that-gr. You know what the You You no Mi does to my hair-gr."

"Doge, what the hell are you talking about? I'll be at your location in a minute." She responding, hanging her dun dun mushi up.

People had tried this trick before. The bigger they are the harder they fall and all that. Legs herself had tried it, with thread much stronger than this. She tightened her leg muscles, and pulled against the threads, tearing them apart as though they were fragile. "That old trick again? People always think they're so smart when they try that." This kid was starting to remind her of Legs a little. They both had a weird potential about them. Perhaps that was just the power of Devil Fruit. 'Beating this one will surely make me stronger. Perhaps strong enough to re-challenge Legs.' she thought to herself. Her fight with Legs wasn't perhaps the longest battle, but it was memorable. She had been over powered and made to admit defeat and bow. Her 90 years of resolve crushed in a matter of minutes. Of course, she had no fear she would lose to this little marine.

"Godspeed: Mjolnir" was all she uttered as she launched a shave speed kick at the Marine, attempting to send him flying with the force of the kick.

Still running to try and gain distance from his opponent, he found himself jerked back after MuuMuu tightened her legs attempt to tear the threads apart. To her dismay, she'd failed to do so as these were no ordinary strings. In fact, these where wire threads created from his Zoku Zoku no Mi devil fruit, a true testament to how much he'd truly mastered his power. "You can't tear these strings, fiend. But I'll play along." He mumbled, only to find his string be broken by the woman. The recent event caught him by surprise but did not deteriorate his plan even in the slightest. If anything it helped him learn something new.

The two broken ends of the threads flowed in the wind behind MuuMuu shortly before falling to the ground. Gintaka continued to run, still trying to get from within her range so that he could prepare for his next move. To his surprise, however, MuuMuu had already recovered after breaking his strings, or so she thought and launched another one of her attacks. Pulling on his two index fingers, the two broken pieces of string lifted from the ground and made their way towards each other.

All of this had been happening behind MuuMuu's back, who'd been facing Commodore Gintaka whom also had his own back turned to her, trying to deal her battle ending blow. Gintaka could hear her words being spoken, "Godspeed: Mjolnir." He'd heard them once before, and the last time she called them, her speed increased beyond belief for someone of her mass. He jumped into the air, performing a front summersault, displaying his acrobatic abilities so that he could face MuuMuu and see what exactly, she'd been doing.

As he did, flipped he removed his hands from the ground and jerked them both to his chest, only to meet with a giant boot to his body. The speed provided to the kick increased its overall physical power, making clean contact with Gintaka, sending him flying. As his body was thrown away, his string from earlier, still behind MuuMuu would have managed to lock itself behind the woman's legs and since the strings were somehow attacked to Gintaka's hand, they pull on her single leg, tripping her and causing her to fall to her back. As mentioned, the enhanced speed she placed into her kick would have given her power even hard for MuuMuu to control. Due to her having a leg up in the air following her kick, she'd only have the support of a single leg. With that same force used to send Gintaka flying, he'd have enough pulling strength to tip her over to her rear.

Landing to the ground laying on his back, Gintaka muttered, "Release." Around MuuMuu, a cylinder red flame-like barrier would erect around her. "It seems she didn't account for the device I threw under her, earlier." With her on her back, it'd be virtually impossible for her to get out of the holds and boundaries of the barrier. Slowly standing to his feet, Gintaka's entire body was covered in a silver metal, an armor nonetheless. He seemed to have not sustained fatal damage due to this armor he wore, another ability of his Zoku Zoku no Mi as a logia-type

The Marines around where all shocked, focusing their eyes on Gintaka who stood back to his face, nearly unphased by his opponent's previous attack. Meanwhile, Doge had a large smile on his face. "Another attribute of logia users, the ability to turn their bodies into their respective element. In Gintaka's case, its a solid state, but since metal is solid and durable, he has a level of durability like no other logia fruit. He truly is a Iron Man."

"Don't move." Gintaka demanded, slowly approaching the barrier which housed MuuMuu. "Whatever portion of your body part makes contact with that barrier will be incinerated. I'd like to thank Dr. Stein for that."

Muu was hungry. This appetizer of a fight had just made her less patient to fight Legs again. But first she still needed to defeat more fighters. It was time to finish this and move on. No more holding back. She got off the ground and she raised her hammer to the clouds. “They say one-part talent equals a hundred-parts hard work. Do you know what happens when you combine incredible talent with a life time of hardwork? A Demon God is Born. Learn humility in your next life. Ragnarok.” A massive pillar of lightning, unlike anything else this battle struck down from the heavens towards Muu, and the island was engulfed with a flash of light.

The lightning was a trick she’d learnt from studying Redbeard. By channeling electricity through the nerves, it was possible to increase the efficiency dramatically, at the cost of possible serious damage, and in this case the partial loss of consciousness. There was a reason Muu had her title from the world government. It is a known and mysterious fact of nature, that emotion holds great power and can grant great unnatural strength. Parents have been known to lift cars to save their babies in disasters. In a state somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness, a monster lurked within Muu. Something more beast then person, something made from instinct and lust for battle awoke within Muu. This state of rage was when Muu's hidden strength showed

When the Light faded, the pitch black haki coated form of Muu was all that remained. The first time she used armament haki this fight. “GRAAARGH!” She roared as she swung her hammer down, hitting the island. For half a moment nothing seemed to happen. Than the impact caved inwards. And again. And again. Cracks stretched across the whole island. Water started to flow through the various cracks, at first a gentle stream, and then a gushing current. Muu was favored by Legs for her island destroying strength. It was hard to tell how long this island had left before it completely collapsed.

The ground Gintaka stood on began to shake and collapse. While the rest of the Marines wobbled trying to keep their balance, Gintaka stood firm completely unphased by the altering terrain. In fact, upon closer inspection, Gintaka's face had an expression completely abnormal. His eyes widened and filled with malice. He had a sinister smile and his hair stood up as if he had gotten shocked by MuuMuu's electrical attack. He held his hands up taking a villainous stance and let out a laugh.

"THERE IT IS!" He shouted, his words just as thunderous as the attack from MuuMuu. He spit blood from his mouth, evident that despite his armor covering his body, MuuMuu's attack was still superior. "IT'S A BIT LATE, BUT SHOW ME THE POWER OF THE YOKAI OF LEGS' CREW! AND IN RETURN, I'LL CRUSH YOU WITH EVERYTHING I'VE GOT! A BEAST YOU ARE, BUT WITHIN THAT BARRIER YOU ARE A TAMED ONE!" He smashed his hand together and upon doing so, created a shockwave due to smashing two metallic forces together.

For a moment, just like MuuMuu's own technique, nothing happened. Then in the next instance, the sound of moving wind could be heard. It was as if something had been falling down. Everyone looked around and tried to make something of what he been occurring. Meanwhile, Doge had his sights up into the sky where the noise had truly been coming from. "Look up you-gr."

Through the clouds, large drops of silverish rain fell down all across the island. Doge grabbed each of the Marines and transformed into his full Fenrir form. He jumped into the air a great distance away landing into the water. Despite him being a devil fruit user, he decided to use his full Fenrir form to act as a type of platform for his comrades to rest on. "Solomon has entered his Gintaka state and this is just a testament-gr. All of that brute force and she still ignored dealing with the barrier."

"I thought, his fruit only allowed him to make metal, but now we've seen him with wire strings and now liquid metal."

"Wire threads, is just his ability to make metal malleable. The liquid metal is what's to be out the lookout for. After training with Kurama, he learned to truly harness his devil fruit powers and achieve a level beyond boundaries... Solomon is what you call an "Awakened Devil Fruit User". His opponent seemed to have ignored his actions from earlier when he shot all of those chunks of metal up into the clouds. Just watch his Gallium Shower technique and you'll see what it means to be an awakened user."

The droplets of liquid metal began to falling faster and finally, the first droplet made contact with the ground, completely melting everything in its way; molten liquid metal. The droplets continued to fall and Gintaka leaped into the air. From his fingertips, the same strings from earlier made their way into the sky latching onto the clouds lifting him up as if he were flying. With the aid of his strings, he moved his fingers so that the strings would pull him up to face MuuMuu and avoid possibly falling into the sea from her most recent attack.

The gallium raindrops continued to fall and soon they'd fall through the top of the barrier landing on top of MuuMuu. With her cramped in the small space, it'd be hard for her to even move and dodge these raindrops making it even easier for these drops to make contact with her, burning her skin as they did. Considering her most recent attack, the amount of force she placed into doing so would possibly cause the Shigan wound from earlier to her a new bit of pain.

"You put up one helluva fight, MuuMuu... but I am clearly the much better dancer in this getup." He stated with his chaotic smile being the prominent expression as he watched his Gallium Shower intruded the barrier to rain over MuuMuu and put an end to their battle. Even then he did not rely on this solely, as if somehow or some way she'd been able to avoid her near unavoidable demise, he had already begun preparations of another technique.

Muu tightened her muscles and with the power of Godspeed rocketing into the air, over the walls of fire and into the metal filled sky. The force of her jump was a finishing blow to the island, sinking most of it beneath the waves. Her hammer activated, pulling the majority of the rain away from Muu. The metallic rain wasn’t all pulled away of course, and some hot metal splattered across Muu’s haki coated body. It steamed lightly, but she was relatively unharmed. If her opponent was using the clouds, she would destroy the clouds themselves. All the clouds gathered around the hammer, forming a sphere of water and metal, which she flung down towards Solomon.

How the Mighty Have Fallen[]

While MuuMuu managed to gather the nearby clouds and liquid metal around her hammer successfully, bringing an even larger smile to his face. Detaching himself from the clouds she'd drawn towards her hammer through gravitational forces, he leaned back locking his eyes onto the sky above. Taking note of MuuMuu who's seemingly utilized his liquid metal to her own advantage. He'd already known that the island would have been destroyed and she'd done just as he expected. Large pieces of earth were flung into the air from the woman's impressive leap floating as if gravity had no effect on them.

Suddenly, the pieces of earth took on a sudden change, a change that was akin to Gintama's own abilities metal. One by one, instantaneously, each of the large earth pieces turned into metal spears. This was done through the powers of Gintaka's awakened devil fruit, generally referred to as transmutation in some instances. Each of the spears aimed their sharp reinforced ends towards the falling MuuMuu attempting to pierce her body from all possible angles.

"You simple minded mongrel!" While he kept his sights locked on the things happening above, the liquid metal that had already fallen to the ground previously began to sink into the ocean in a very specific area. All of it gathered in this area and solidified for a moment, then became liquified once more filling a good portion of the sea, aside from where Doge and co. where.

With MuuMuu facing Gintaka, she'd be unable to see the calamity formed behind her high into the sky. "Fur of the Fox." He mumbled before his body became shrouded in the same liquid fox form as before. While still in midair, Gintaka smashed his hands together again, and the constructs entire being became coated in a very detailed metal plated armor, much more reinforced than what had covered the man's body from MuuMuu's kick. Kaito placed its hands in a crossing manner ready to block her coming attack.

Muu dived through the air after Solomon and the falling sphere. She’d stopped relying on her sight for the battle some time ago and was acting on pure instinct and observation haki. Muu had once broken a colossal guillotine, and that was at the giant equivalent of ten years old, before her decades of training, these spears were nothing to her. She shattered one falling spear with her fist, then grabbed another, which crumpled where it met her hand, and flung it down, following the sphere. And if that wasn’t enough, she whammed it with her hammer, like hitting a chisel to break through rock, intending to pierce right through Solomon’s armored kaito.

Just for a moment, Gintaka stood there. In one instance he was there and in the next, himself and Kaito would both disappear, causing MuuMuu to horribly miss her target. Even then, it made sense taking it the afterimage he left behind; a true expert of Soru. They'd appear behind MuuMuu who'd be falling down due to the forces of gravity.

"GIANTS TRULY ARE OVERSIZED IDIOTS!" He shouted as his smile grew three times in size and his expression became even more chaotic, as the remaining spears penetrated her body. She'd left them completely unaccounted for and because of that, she'd pay the price. With someone of her scale, a couple spears wouldn't do much to her. But to fight continuously with that many wounds, would surely play its toll.

All of the spears that were in her body, would begin to increase in length, sticking out of her body as if she were a human porcupine. Once the reached a certain length they'd bend until they surrounded her in the form of an oversized cage, fit just for the size of MuuMuu, intentionally formed with no space for her to move around. Smashing his hands together, Kaito did the same and a screech was formed. From the sea of liquid metal below, two metal pillars grew from it smashing against the cage and soon assimilated into the cage-like structure. By doing this, Gintaka had reinforced the metal to the point that its durability was on the scale of tungsten metal. Yes, in just that short amount of time, Gintaka had learned what level of durability would be needed in order to combat the woman's monstrous strength.

Once done, the metal pillars that had grown from the sea returned to their liquid state allowing the reinforced cage to fall into the sea below. Kaito, unharmed, landed into the sea of liquid metal and watched as the cage would fall.

Muu was certain her attack would pierce his kaito shell, right into the soft center within. Then he vanished. A look of puzzlement crossed her face. She didn’t know he could move that fast, she swiveled in the air to look at his new position, and two of the remaining spears railed into her. There was a moment of contention between her haki and the spears, but they ultimately penetrated, and a small lake's worth of blood gushed from the wounds. “GRAOOOOOOOOAWWW!!!” the scream of rage squeezed through her clenched teeth. Without giving her time to react, the spears expanded into a cage. Muu started bending the bars of the cage, but before she could get anywhere near breaking out, the pillars crashed into the cage, merging with it, and the cage fell into the metal sea below.

As the cage would land into the sea, MuuMuu's body would instantly make contact with the liquid metal down below. Instantly she'd begin feeling mixed sensations. Sensations of burns granted by the gallium in the sea, but also something else that was much different from the burning effects of gallium. She'd begin feeling chemical burns and irritation to her skin. Not the workings of gallium but instead the effects of mercury in its liquid form.

Kaito slowly began to wither away and Gintaka leaped into the liquid metal sea. The instant his foot made contact with a specific portion of the sea, the liquid metal solidified in that area, this went on with every step he took until he'd finally made it close enough to the caged MuuMuu and store her in her face. With his hand held out a small chunk of metal generated. Slowly it forged itself into a finely crafted blade. Holding it out he began to stab at her arm, one thrust after another. His hair much more lifted that before as if he'd been shocked by electricity.

"YOU'RE NOT SO HIGH AND MIGHTY NOW, MUUMUU!" He shouted, stabbing her once more. His nature seemingly growing more and more chaotic with each word and stab. "NOW LOOK AT YOU, BATHING IN MY POOL OF LIQUID METAL! AND AFTER ALL THAT TALK ABOUT " Before he could make his next attack, Gintaka would find his wrist gripped by a firm feminine hand.

As he turned his head, he'd notice a woman with red-hot hair, while the right bang of it covered one side of her face. She was dressed in the traditional marine attire with a large bowtie around her collar. This woman was Chartinger Roselia, the marine who'd been on a call with Doge a while ago. She had a look a concern and sadness in her eyes as she switched from looking at Gintaka, to MuuMuu, then back to Gintaka. "Solomon, it's done." She spoke, the words slipping out of his pink-colored lips.

Solomon's eyes widened and his hair returned to his natural style. He no longer had that look as though he'd been dying from hunger for murder. He flopped his head back so that he could look up at the sky, then headed for MuuMuu. The sea solidified and a pillar of metal lifted MuuMuu's cage up to Solomon's viewing height. "Haven't been able to dance a dance of that scale in a while. You brought out the other side of me." Solomon's sword took began to take on a physical change, turning into that of a golden staff with a hooked end. With his free hand, he reached into the cage that housed MuuMuu and placed his hand on her.


At the moment of contact, the spot of her body he'd touched had began turned into gold. "Touch of Midas." Slowly it spread throughout her body like a virus. Soon her entire body had been coated with a layer of gold, where she'd now be incapable of moving.

Roselia facial expression seemed to have changed in that short amount of time into something angrier. Her body suddenly became covered in lava and her fist was covered in it like a glove. "And now with that aside, why'd you ignore my orders to remain on the island." Roselia slowly crept closer to Solomon. Once close enough she grabbed him and threw him into a headlock position and smashed her blazing fist into the top of his skull.

"IT BURNS!" He shouted, "And what do you mean?! You're the captain I AM the commodore!"

"Commodore Gintaka, sir, are you alright?!" Herbert shouted, leading a whole charge of Marines shouted in the distance. With the metal making up a portion of the sea, it was like a platform where the deserted island once was and the remaining Marines used it to run across and reach Solomon and Roselia.

On Herbert's back was Doge who'd appeared as though he'd gotten into a battle himself. "Next time you decide you want to have a battle with the largest breed of giants, I'm not sticking around-gr." Doge climbed down from Herbert's back and reached into his shirt and pulled out an object. "After I fell into the sea, Herbert and co. swam under and got me out. Look at what they found-gr." Doge rotated it showing Solomon and Roselia. "It's a devil fruit-gr."

Grabbing the fruit from Doge's hand, Solomon also spun it around and began inspecting it. "It's a devil fruit, for sure. I wonder if it were on the island and after its destruction, it feels into the sea. Regardless, you found it Doge, so you eat it."

"Are you out of your mind-gr? I already ate a devil fruit.. I pop another one and poof, bye-bye Doge-gr. Besides, I didn't find it, Herbert did."

Solomon held his hand near the cage that housed MuuMuu and slowly the cage transformed into a box completely shutting her out from the outside world. "Okay then, Herbert you eat it."

Herbert swallowed his own spit as he reached out and grabbed the fruit Solomon handed to him. "Don't you think we should take it to HQ, Commodore Gintaka?"

"I am HQ, Herbert, now eat it. Besides," He began banging his hand against the metal box MuuMuu was encased in. "I have something I'll be bringing to them."

Herbert swallowed his spit again and held the fruit at his mouth. With a short pause, he bit into it and swallowed the piece he'd bitten. His face turned sour as if its taste was just bad, which it was. "What is this flavor?!"

Doge inched closer to Herbert and began to smell him, "Do you feel any different-gr?"

It were as if Doge's question were some sort of trigger as the moment he'd ask him that, Herbert's body instantly transformed into a Rhinoceros. Solomon burst out into laughter as tears dripped from his eyes and Doge followed right behind him.

"I'm... a Rhino?" Herbert asking, looking down to his feet which were replaced by the giant front legs of a Rhino.

Doge and Solomon turned to each other, their faces trying its best to hold back their laughter. "Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Rhino!" They spoke in perfect unison and proceeded one with their laughter.

"Commodore Gintaka, Commander Doge, this is no laughing matter!" Herbert exclaimed before his body transformed back into its normal state.

Roselia stood over the both of them, her eyes filled with the burning flames of death. She punched her lava covered hand into her other and glared over the both of them. "Yeah, this isn't a laughing matter, fellas." Soon after she began to pummel the both of them giving them both knots noticeable from a mile away.

"With that aside," She spoke. "We now have to find a way to move both this thing and its hammer."

"For the box, we drag it along the ship to HQ. I'll make enhancements to the ship in order to get the job done. As for the hammer..." Solomon began to stroke his hairless chin. "I have plans for that hammer."
