One Piece Role-Play Wiki
Wolford Tromsch is an article written by DamonDraco.
Wolford Tromsch is a non-playable character, certain rules and standards are not applied.

Wolford Tromsch, also referred to as Redbeard, is a Pirate and the Captain of the Giant Pirates, renown for his savage behavior and deeds.

He is also a leader of the Hell Pirate Alliance.

Tromsch is worth a bounty of Beli700,000,000.





Powers & Abilities[]

Physical Prowess[]


Main article: Jarnbjorn

Devil Fruit[]

Main article: Kuma Kuma no Mi, Model: Arctotherium

Tromsch consumed the Kuma Kuma no Mi, Model: Arctotherium an Ancient Zoan-Type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a Arctotherium hybrid and full Arctotherium at will. Upon the consumption of this fruit, Tromsch gained a great boost to his already immense strength and size, considering the Arctotherium is known as the largest and most dangerous bear to ever live.



Tromsch is a master when it comes to utilizing Kenbunshoku Haki, he degree of control over it is near impeccable being he is capable of briefly seeing five seconds into the future which makes him vastly difficult to engage in battle with. He is noted to be able to combine this form of Haki with his sense to drastically heighten to an abnormal degree, in doing so he creates invisible barrier around himself which is capable of accurately picking up a person, creator or object’s presence up to a hindered kilometers away at worst and anywhere on a island and a few additional feet at best.

Along with the ability to sense the presence of other people, creators and objects. Tromsch is easily able to read the emotion and "thoughts" of them as well, easily being able to figure out those who hold any form of negative emotions towards him or others even when they mask it. This also has the added effect of enabling granting him a lie detector-esque like ability, with him being able to sense the buried emotions of a person even if they are buried deep within.





Major Battles[]


